Thank you very much for submitting a presentation proposal for Wikimania 2012, to be held July 12-15 in Washington, DC. We received more than 400 proposals this year, and our team carefully evaluated each submission for completeness, relevance to the conference themes, requested time, and anticipated interest by participants. The Program Committee has been particularly impressed by the extraordinarily well developed submissions this year, and we received more presentation submissions than any prior Wikimania.
We are pleased to inform you that your presentation, White Bag Vulva. How the German community thought about forking. (Submission #47), has been accepted for the program contingent on you confirming your attendance at Wikimania.
We will be following up with you in early May to tell you which day and time your session is. Thank you for your submission and for your participation in the Wikimania 2012 program selection process!
Netterweise haben sie die beiden anderen angebotenen Talks nicht auch noch angenommen :-)
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